Join the Movement

Conduct A Workshop

If you are an expert in any field and believe that you can impart a valuable skill or learning or inspire our graduates, we invite you to conduct a session/workshop/program with our graduates and help us grow in the process. We also urge people in prestigious positions in various sectors to come and inspire our graduates to dream and achieve big in life. Please use this link to get in touch with us.

Mentor A Graduate

If you believe you can be the beacon light for our graduates through your expertise and experience, we invite you become mentors with the Bodhi Tree and support the rural youth in making the right choices and navigating through the obstacles they encounter in their journey. As a mentor you would share a personal and professional relationship with your mentee and play a significant role in building our movement of creating rural leaders. Please use this link to get in touch with us. Our Residential programs are intensive life skills based programs that aspires to lay the foundation of future rural leaders who have a nuanced understanding of the confluence between social impact, society and self. The sessions and workshops for the program are carefully designed around the needs, demands and specific challenges of rural graduates. Activities are conducted to enhance problem-solving, critical thinking, communication and public speaking. An atmosphere is curated for the participants to come together with a feeling of togetherness to discuss the various challenges they encounter both at individual and community levels and meaningful ways of overcoming them. In our residential program for girls, special focus is laid on building self-confidence, self-belief and the strength to stand up against the flaws in the society and uphold their dignity.

Adopt a Village

Our long-term mission is to build model empowered villages with a deep sense of community living. We invite people with a sense of commitment of giving back to the society and who believe that India’s true development lies in the development of the grassroots communities, to join us in this endeavour. You will adopt a village(both monetarily and non-monetarily) in collaboration with Bodhi Tree, and design and drive the transformational process through real-time localised livelihood projects. You will work closely with our empowered rural youth leaders belonging to that village who would play a significant role in the entire process. If every successful individual in the country can take the responsibility of one village and invest his/her resources and energy for the same, we can bring tremendously shift India’s position on the social scale. Please use this link to get in touch with us.


“Volunteering is a way of learning to make our lives into a process of just giving” You can play an integral role in growing this movement and transforming the life of our rural graduates. Become a part of Bodhi Tree and share your knowledge, experience and skills with our graduates by volunteering to teach and/or assist them. Help us plan, execute and/or archive our programs/workshops/events across different villages to further strengthen the movement. Please use this link to get in touch with us.

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